Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week 7- Logos

      This week we were tasked with creating a logo for two of the four projects. Two were requests from the school and two were for two pieces of equipment in the art department. The logos that I created were two for the RJEA and to for the saw that we named the "Piece Maker". I used adobe illustrator to create all of the logos.
       For the RJEA logo we had to use both the acronym and the words race, justice, education, and action in the logo. The shape of the logo was up to us so I decided to use a circle and a rounded rectangle to create a crisp design. The colors I used are our school colors since this would be an organization at our school.
This one was created using the ellipse tool and the pen tool to create the middle letters. The other letters were just altered from the alphabet that I created before.

For this one I used the rounded rectangle tool and just rearranged the letters from the previous logo.

      These next two were created for the hand saw that we got in the art department. The guidelines for the logo was that it had to say "Piece Maker" and it had to be a rounded rectangle. I chose the colors to kind of mimic the colors of the saw itself. I used the rounded rectangle tool and the pen tool to create both of these.

For this one, I created the letters using the pen tool to make them look like they were made up of different pieces.

For this one I used solid letters but included two puzzle pieces to play off of the word piece.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Week 6- logo Remixing

       For this weeks assignment, we were tasked with tracing 3 logos and creating 3 variations of each. I chose to do the Captain America's shield, the rolling stones logo, and the star fleet command insignia. Each one of them varied on how difficult they were to trace, the rolling stones logo being the hardest. However, the each pretty much used the same tools.
        To create the traces of the originals I worked in Adobe Illustrator and used the pen tool and the circle tool. I started with using the pen tool and tracing with just the stroke one, going back and forth between having the original image visible and invisible. Then after that I turned on the fill for each section and tried to match the color to the original image.
Captain America Shield 

Rolling Stones 

StarFleet Command 

For the variations, I used the pen tool and the brush tool to add or change different parts of the image. I also changed the color for most of the images. 
Botany Division-StarFleet Remix 1

  Beauty Division-StarFleet Remix 2
Food Division- StarFleet Remix 3

Vampire- Rolling Stones Remix 1
Popsicle- Rolling Stones Remix 2

Check up- Rolling Stones Remix 3

Captain Planet- Captain America Shield Remix 1

Captain Capitalist- Captain America Shield Remix 2 
Captain Ireland- Captain America Shield Remix 3

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 5- Alphabet

This week we learned how to create curves in illustrator so that we could finish the rest of the alphabet.  Using the pen tool, the direct selection tool, and the shape builder tool I competed the alphabet.

        Using the direct select tool and the arc tool I stylized the letters to look like the Star Trek letters. For all of them I used the original letter I created as a base and I worked from there thinning out, slanting, and curving the letter until the were just right.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Week 4- Letters

     This week our task was to create all of the letters in the alphabet with all straight edges. They all had to have the same around the same base height and the same relative weight. After they were all created, we had to pick one and make it fancy. I picked the T. Each one was created using the pen tool and the direct selection tool.